By Sara Davis, Outdoor Center Program Director At the Camp Mason Outdoor Center, we have several opportunities to get up close and personal with dirt. Why would you want to? Dirt is beneficial to people, in many different ways. Not as just a substance used to educate, but as a substance that can be therapeutic, […]
Young People
By Dan Dickerson, Naturalist at the Mason Outdoor Center When I was ten, I spent a lot of time inside of the house, avoiding the facets of the worlds around me; lost in the land of video games. When I turned 19 after my first year of college I took a leap and applied for […]
For Session 4 of Summer Camp 2017 we are off on a Mason Vacation! The day will take us on a wild adventure to a secret location somewhere on the planet. It’s hard to pack for a vacation when you don’t know the destination but we assure you’ll have everything you need to have an […]
By Anna Bilton, Summer Camp Program Director If you know any of us personally or have ever read any of our blog or social media posts the chances are you’ve probably heard the staff here at Camp Mason talk about the benefits of camp. We really do believe that a camp experience can have a […]
By Jackson Patterson, Summer Camp Director As I enter my third summer at Camp Mason I find myself reflecting about the people that led me here. At some point that remains a mystery to me someone saw a potential within me. More than likely a few different people saw it at different points along the […]