Project Crossroads

Project Crossroads is back for 2016! We’re in! Are You?

12390996_10153541597496749_7753774273703067288_nBy Melissa Silva, Summer Camp Cabin Life Director

Camper in a 2016 Crossroads Shirt!

Camper in a 2016 Crossroads Shirt!

For a second imagine if you or your son or daughter had never had the opportunity to experience Camp Mason, as a camper or staff member? How would their lives be different? I recently had the opportunity to talk to different staff members, many who had been campers themselves, about this question and the responses were over whelming. Some spoke of this place as a home away from home where they’ve turned to in times of need. Other spoke of the confidence in themselves that developed because of how loved and empowered they felt here. It was clear, Mason was home and without it they would not be who they are today. Now instead imagine if any family, regardless of financial status was able to provide this life altering experience to their son or daughter? This is the hope of Camp Mason’s initiative, Project Crossroads.

On average, 1 out of every 8 campers at Mason receive financial assistance to help make the summer of their lives possible. Project Crossroads is just one of the many ways that summer staff, campers and families help make that a reality. For summer 2016, our goal is to help send 117 children to camp, to mark the 117th summer of Camp Mason. Our staff have already begun raising money through our yearly staff auction. Because of their generosity we were able to raise $2758 dollars! You can help too! At the trading post, campers can buy our camper designed Crossroads t-shirt. For every shirt sold, $8 goes to Project Crossroads. A new addition to Camp Mason this year, Crossroads Cards not only help make our staff feel like celebrities but the proceeds also go entirely to Project Crossroads. With all of these things combined, it is truly amazing to see an entire community rally behind a single cause: Making Mason possible for every child.

A crossroad. We have all been there before. When we reach a point in our lives where we are faced with an important decision. In order to make this decision we reflect on the past and look to the future. Camp Mason is this special place, the crossroad for many of our young people. It is a safe environment not only where they can grow as individuals but also where they are given the tools to meet any obstacle they may face. A walk through our camp on any given day will reveal the smell of campfires, the chuckle of children’s laughter, but must importantly the countless stories, new and old, of how Mason has changed their lives. Let’s help spread this Mason legacy to every child through Project Crossroads!

Click here to make a donation to Project Crossroads.

4th Annual Tee Shirt Design Contest Winners!

Anna Bilton Blog PhotoBy Anna Bilton, Summer Camp Director

Every Spring we hold a tee shirt design contest that is open to all of our Summer Campers. The winning design is made and sold in the Trading Post during the summer with all of the profits going towards our camper scholarship campaign. As well as being able to see fellow campers walking around in their creation the winner also receives $50 of trading post credit and 5 days of fruitfulls. Two runners up also receive 5 days of fruitfulls.

This year we had a record number of entries and shortlisting just three finalists was not an easy task. Thank you to all who entered and shared your creativity with us. We have been truly impressed with the quality and care put into the designs. The Camp Mason staff took a vote to determine the final winner and while it was close we did have a clear winner. Here they are:

First Place: Fiona Iosso

Runners Up: Kieran O’Carroll & Mia Loughlin

You can see the winning design below. I can’t wait to buy one from the Trading Post this summer. Congratulations to our three finalists and thank you once again for your efforts!



YMCA Camp Ralph S. Mason
23 Birch Ridge Road
Hardwick, NJ 07825
Phone: 908-362-8217
Fax: 908-362-5767
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