
Play all day at Camp Mason

In addition to our summer camp staples, we add new and different activities each session. Kids love to both try new things and get stuck into their favorites each summer. There really is something for everyone at Camp Mason!

We stay busy at camp

There are four kinds of activities at camp: cabin activities, camper choice, activity periods, and evening activities.

Cabin activities are carried out by cabin groups, the 8-10 bunk-mates that are the foundation relationships of camp. Camper choice is a daily elective that campers pick each morning and try once. Activity periods are individually selected at the beginning of the week and campers participate in them once a day for that week. Evening activities are large group activities: the whole camp gathers for a campfire or talent show, individual villages play at games or events, or one village sometimes joins another for an even larger group activity.

Classic Camp Activities

Some activities that campers may try at overnight camp are boating and canoeing, rock climbing, archery, nature hikes, crafts, swimming, court/field sports, and farm and garden visits. Campers burn off energy playing games like Capture the Flag, take adventures around camp on Scavenger Hunts and so much more!

Activities are adjusted for different age groups and skill sets. Each age group has their own special games and events that gives each village unit its own special culture and personality. There are activities that cater especially to younger campers and others that are exclusively planned for teens.

Creative Activities

There are some things at camp that you just have to experience! Each summer we play and take part in creative activities and games together. Sometimes they become overnight camp classics and other times they are unique to a special event or theme. Picture slip and slides, mural painting, quidditch or even a zombie invasion! Campers love to try out new activities and even share their own ideas for their friends and counselors to try.

Theme Days

Each week Overnight Camp celebrates the arrival of the weekend with a special themed event. Themes vary from the Mason Olympics to Time Travel days and beyond. Each summer, staff come up with fresh, exciting ideas for theme days for campers to take part in!

Sunday Funday

After an action-packed week we take it easy on Sunday mornings! There’s a late, buffet breakfast and relaxed games with cabin mates. After that, we take time for lunch and then get moving again until lights out with some extra special adventures around camp. It’s a great day to recharge everyone’s batteries and still experience the joys of summer camp!


Have your overnight camper join us for a Horseback Trail Riding adventure! Your camper will have an experience that mingles the fun of horseback riding with learning about riding skills, horse behavior and general trail riding information. We offer flexible and affordable options for horseback trail rides.

You can sign up for rides as you complete your summer camp application.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 908-362-8217 or via email at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing your camper on the trail!


YMCA Camp Ralph S. Mason
23 Birch Ridge Road
Hardwick, NJ 07825
Phone: 908-362-8217
Fax: 908-362-5767
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