
The Magicians of Camp Mason


By Shannon Burton, Summer Camp Teen Director

There are many reasons why camp is magical, but for this post I’d like to focus on just one. Today, I am reminded that camp is magical because it is a place where 16-year-olds not only recognize that camp provides amazing experiences, but then turn around to help provide that experience to younger campers by becoming Counselors In Training, or CITs.

What could be more heartwarming? And with all the work the CITs this summer have put in so far, it’s no surprise that I’ve been getting compliments about them all session. They’ve bonded over an intense 3-day, 2-night canoeing and backpacking trip on the Delaware River and Appalachian Trail. They’ve planned and run a Talent Show. They’ve earned Red Cross certifications in CPR, First Aid, and AED use. Just yesterday, they completed the same week of staff training that Camp Mason staff complete every summer before campers arrive.

They’ve been busy, and their hard work shows as I walk around camp. Here, the CITs huddled together with day campers, sharing tips on how to run a Talent Show. There, two CITs are proud to show me their gloved hands and a camper with a freshly applied band-aid to a scraped knee. They shine with confidence and excitement to be in the leadership roles they have just stepped into, and I couldn’t be prouder of them.

This Friday, they will begin the final phase of the CIT Program; they will move into their assigned junior cabins to experience what it is like to be a counselor. They’ll have a huge support system comprised of their co-counselors, their Village Leaders, the CIT Coordinators, and myself to guide them along the way. They’ll gain experience that they can refer to later when searching for jobs. We’re hoping, of course, that they will be searching for jobs at Camp Mason, where they can keep the magic going.

CIT Group 1 2015


Summer Reflections

Jackson Patterson

By Jackson Patterson, Summer Camp Director

As I enter my third summer at Camp Mason I find myself reflecting about the people that led me here. At some point that remains a mystery to me someone saw a potential within me. More than likely a few different people saw it at different points along the way. A train of people come to mind, teachers, coaches, my own camp counselors. Each of them helped me to recognize a part of my capabilities that I didn’t even think to look for.

When I was 18 I worked at summer camp for the first time. I watched my Village Chief work hard to lead our group of boys towards an amazing summer experience. I had a great time playing and working with kids and at the end of the summer I told myself that I’d never be the Village Chief; being a counselor was just too good of a job. Over the next two summers I was often “volun-told” for various responsibilities. I was a returner and knew the ropes. After six summers of working at camp I found myself the Assistant Director. I went from never wanting the responsibilities of leadership to now craving it. I had become something entirely different.

I have had the absolute privilege of seeing many staff step up this summer. Former campers are now running camp. Last year’s CITs are now putting their experience to the test by leading cabins and campers of their very own. Today I witnessed a camper move up to the senior villages after years of being in the junior villages. I’ve never seen a wider smile.

It is small moments like this that change us without us even realizing it. I believe that this world could fundamentally change for the best if more people had these opportunities. Opportunities to learn. Opportunities to travel. Opportunities to expand their horizons. A single moment can make a difference and put a child on a life changing path.

Summer Camp Superheroes


By Keith Vanderzee, CEO 

Every child deserves a real superhero and in the next week, they will be arriving at Camp Mason! They may come by bus, car or train, but make no mistake they are real superheroes.

My earliest and best memories of camp all revolve around the camp staff. I remember Kevin Roden, a real outdoorsman, who took our camp group on a “rattlesnake hunt.” Looking back I am sure it was probably just a nature hike because even in the early 70’s, it was probably not appropriate to take 10 year old boys looking for rattlesnakes! But at the time, and in my mind’s eye still, is the image of this young bearded man, standing 7 feet tall with a forked stick which he told us was to pin the rattlesnake’s head so it wouldn’t bite him. He strode through the woods with the confidence and stature of Paul Bunyan and we were in awe of him. And then there is Jergen, from Germany. I picture him as a caricature- a tall, blonde as can be man with ridiculously wide shoulders and bulging biceps. Jergen was a lifeguard and I distinctly remember him jumping off the bridge stanchions on the Esopus River into whirlpools and teaching us that the way to escape a whirlpool was to swim out the bottom where it got thinner. I picture him now popping out of the bottom of the water, all muscles and smiling- basically walking on water!

These are the types of memories and stories your children will come home and tell. Listen to them with wonder and awe because that is what they believe. When you hear the story of their counselors who wrestled a bear (or two!) or when you hear the story of the counselor who shot an arrow blindfolded across the camp only to hit the bulls-eye, remember that the stories may not be true, but they are real.

Superheroes really do live today. They live at Camp Mason and we can’t wait to introduce your children to them.


The Importance of Sleeping Under the Stars

By Anna Bilton, Summer Camp Program DirectorAnna Bilton Blog Photo

For one night every two weeks, each cabin group adventures out into the woods with their sleeping bags and food in hand to spend a night in the great outdoors. As a camp counselor, I loved nothing more than putting my backpack on and leading my campers along the trail knowing that soon we would be cooking over an open fire, telling stories, and finally falling asleep under the stars. Today as a Summer Camp Program Director, my most cherished moments are welcoming cabins back to camp after an overnight. I delight in hearing campers’ stories of their experiences, the challenges they overcame and most of all, their excitement and pride about the adventure they had. The power of this traditional summer camp activity should not be underestimated. Perhaps spending a night outdoors is something we should all do more often.

Reconnect:  Getting away from the grips of technology and getting outside, even for one night, can make all the difference. Campers and staff share stories of becoming closer over the course of an overnight. Taking the time to talk, share and listen to one another without the usual distractions helps groups connect and bond tightly together. That these meaningful interactions take place in beautiful, natural surroundings serves to make them even more powerful.

Marvel:  Campers often tell me about the deer they saw or the sound of a babbling creek that they fell asleep listening to. Think back to the first time you saw a frog, bird or other critter. Try to remember the excitement and intrigue you felt. If the kind of feeling I’m talking about could be bottled up, it would be labeled wonder. Spending more time outside in nature creates opportunities for us to rediscover our sense of wonder. We are lucky to live in a world with such beauty.

Accomplish:  For an overnight to be a success groups need to work together to carry supplies, collect firewood, clear out a sleeping area, build a fire and cook meals. Teamwork is paramount and achieving your group goal is a fantastic feeling. For many campers and staff spending the night in the woods without electricity and other comforts is an enormous achievement. I cannot begin to count the number of campers whose overnight experience has given them the courage to try other new things.

Where will you go on your next outdoor adventure? What will you discover?

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This post was originally written for the Y’s “This Week in Young Leaders” blog. You can see it by clicking on the link below.

Staff Spotlight: Kyle Van Laar

Kyle is a Day Camp Shannon institution.  Both campers and staff alike look forward to seeing his welcoming smile and find out what fun he has in store every morning at drop off. Not only is Kyle passionate about Day Camp and the work he does here, but he is training to be a teacher because he loves working with young people and their families in the community too. He is known for giving 100% to Day Camp theme days so watch out for his amazing costumes around camp!

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Hobo Meal Recipe

How to make your very own hobo meals at home

Every summer camp cabin group goes on an overnight camping trip on our property during their stay with us. Groups hike out, make a fire to cook over and sleep under the stars. The dinner menu is a traditional Mason offering of hobo meals followed by s’mores. There are already some of you out there who are making the Camp Mason overnight favorite, hobo meals, at home but for those of you that want to, but aren’t sure how and want to give them a try, this post is for you.

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Staff Spotlight: Tulah Fuchs

Tulah is a long time Camp Mason attendee who kindly agreed to a Staff Spotlight Interview with us to share a little about her experiences with summer camp.  It was awesome to interview Tulah because her love for Mason really comes through when you talk with her. Her passion reminds us of why camp is so important and special to so many.

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Camper Spotlight: Tyler Kerr

Tyler has been coming to summer camp at Camp Mason for six years and not only that, he and his family are regular contributors at our biannual Volunteer Work Weekend. He agreed to be interviewed by Program Director, Anna Bilton in between splitting and stacking firewood for camp at the Fall Work Weekend.


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Staff Spotlight: Alex Loop

Alex Loop is a Camp Mason summer camp legend – just ask any of our summer staff. She is a long time Diamond M Ranch camper and counselor, and her passion for the program is contagious. Talking about camp with Alex was so much fun that for a brief moment it almost could’ve been mid-July when the summer is in full swing! She is a true advocate for the benefits of riding horses and working as a team to care for them at summer camp. For anyone who is even thinking about signing up for Ranch next summer, this interview is a must-read.

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How Camp Taught Me to Be a Teacher

From Camp Counselor to First Grade Teacher                                             

By Erin Thatcher

Recently Anna Bilton approached me about writing this post for Camp Mason.  She asked me to describe how working at camp helped to prepare me to be a teacher.  I had spent the 2011 and 2012 summers at Camp Mason working as a counselor as well as serving as the Apache Village Leader during the summer 2013 summer.  This past summer was the first summer in three years I spent away from Mason. Although it was heartbreaking to do so, leaving Mason allowed me to move on to another exciting phase in my life: teaching first grade!


As I reflected on how working at camp prepared me to become a teacher I immediately thought of several things:

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YMCA Camp Ralph S. Mason
23 Birch Ridge Road
Hardwick, NJ 07825
Phone: 908-362-8217
Fax: 908-362-5767
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