Why invest in Summer Camp for your children?
“Summer camp is about growth and accomplishment not just to keep the kids busy.” Anonymous
Well it’ll come as no surprise that we think it’s worth investing in Summer Camp for your child, but here are some legitimate, research backed reasons to convince you to jump on our soapbox!
Four Solid Reasons:
1) Experience the Outdoors, 2) Involvement in Adventure, 3) Socialization, and 4) Engagement of Core Values.
Ask any mother or father of grown children about a highlight of their former camp experience. Their responses will differ, but nearly all will smile with delight in recalling a happy memory. Today’s parents of young campers will surely want to seize the moment to inquire about their child’s best memories of their time away from home. Then, their child’s enthusiasm will come as no surprise.
An investment in summer camp produces cherished dividends in answer to the question, “Why?”
Reason Number One: The Outdoor Experience
In metropolitan cities heavily populated with sights and sounds of civilization, children can easily miss a vast open space and clear blue sky. In other words, these youngsters miss the outdoor experience that Camp Mason offers. In the absence of city lights, whether star gazing or singing around a campfire, children experience the outdoors while making lasting friendships and life-long memories.
One of the best-known outdoor enthusiasts was the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. He was an avid camper himself. The ultimate outdoorsman, he conserved 230 million acres while in office.
What could be a better environment for learning than in the outdoors? The fresh air benefits for campers begin with enhanced communication skills, continuing with better physical and mental health and enhanced sensory and aesthetic awareness. What a fun way to learn!
“Now I see the secret of making the best person, it is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.” Walt Whitman
Reason Number Two: Adventure Awaits
Camp Mason is located next to Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area with 70,000 acres of natural beauty. Adventure awaits our campers from the moment they step foot on the camp’s 460 acres until they return home to share their experience. Campers come ready for hiking and exploring the woods, rivers and creeks. Some children may discover collecting fishing worms, seeing fireflies, or identifying butterflies for the very first time. With well-qualified staff supervision, campers safely discover this fun-filled place with no shortage of adventure activities. Summer camp is where children can unplug from modern day distractions, learn new skills, and thrive on creativity.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Helen Keller
Reason Number Three: Socialization of Peers
Social skills are developed by campers amidst numerous unrecognizable faces and children who are somewhat different than themselves in one way or another. Most learn early on that a smile goes a long way in unfamiliar territory. In fact, prior to their youngsters departure for camp, parents often quote the wonderful advice originating in the Broadway musical, Annie, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”
With their new group of peers, campers face various challenges. They learn that they can be silly and it is acceptable, but bullying is not tolerated. Independence, teamwork, and leadership are developed in a welcoming environment. So many opportunities are open for children to be themselves whether trying a new sport or enjoying one they have already developed. Whether archery, horseback riding, kayaking, swimming, biking, volleyball, skateboarding or something brand new, activities that bring about a friendly camp community are abundant. The socialization of camping is a transforming experience achieved by engaging campers of varying backgrounds, cultures, and experiences.
“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” -Leo Buscaglia
Reason Number Four: Core Values of the Camping Community
Universal core values lean toward the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, or compassion and friendship. Being considerate of others whether in the trading post line or throwing a lifeline to struggling swimmer, Camp Mason sets the example. The goal continues to be for a unified camp community showing honesty, caring, respect, responsibility, and love for all that is beautiful and good.
These core values are demonstrated by dedicated camp staff. They show the way with their own friendly smiles and love for children. Consideration for other campers and love for nature directs the campers’ attention to the sighting of a white-tailed deer or a ruby-throated hummingbird. None need to look very far to see white oak and red maple trees, while enjoying the freedom and natural beauty with newly found camper friends.
Sharing a part of the Earth respectfully with other youth can be attained by using the following a sampling of suggestions for etiquette:
- Learn and follow YMCA Camp Mason’s rules, like quiet time, recreation activities, and cabin cleanliness (leave it better than you found it).
- Enjoy seeing wildlife, but don’t feed them.
- Keep your voice at normal volume levels appropriate for the activity.
- Stay on the trails. No wandering off.
- Only play in the water under adult supervision.
A few simple etiquette rules help create a positive attitude. Lastly, above all, staff leadership encourages campers to ask for help any time needed. Afterall, these children are in a welcoming and safe social environment.
“Perfect wisdom has four parts: Wisdom, the principle of doing things aright. Justice, the principle of doing things equally in public and private. Fortitude, the principle of not fleeing danger, but meeting it. Temperance, the principle of subduing desires and living moderately.” – Plato
It’s well worth the investment
So, why invest in summer camp for your children? In light of the four “why” reasons above, the better question is “why not” invest in your child’s life while they’re still young? Nearly every parent of adult children will quote that old adage, “They grow up so fast…before you know it!” There is no better time than now to give your child the gift of experiencing nature, outdoor activities, and new friendships while developing personal responsibility. YMCA Camp Mason offers all of these benefits and so much more.